Prayer Shawl Ministry
“Gifts of Grace”
Beginners and experts are invited to join this group as they work on their labors of love, knitting and crocheting shawls and lap blankets for adults and children who need a special reminder of God’s loving care. Come knit and crochet or visit and pray! Meets 4th Monday of the month at 1:30p in room 103
For more information contact Linda Baker
Prayer Card Ministry
Meeting Tuesday, January 17th 1:30p, room 103.
Specially designed cards are hand colored and addressed to members of the congregation for a variety of joys and concerns. Artistic ability is not required.
For more information, contact Betty Bruce.
Not meeting in person Due to Covid
Home Communion
Holy Communion is available to be taken to anyone who is unable to attend a Worship Service on the first Sunday morning each month whether they are ill, working, care giving, etc.
Contact office if you would like to receive or deliver Home Communion.
Not Meeting Right Now
Still Climbing And Mighty Proud Seniors
The SCAMPS program encourages adults ages 50 and up to join together for fun and fellowship in the name of the Lord. We provide an opportunity for seniors of all denominations to come together, giving praise and glory to God. We enjoy fellowship at our monthly meetings, potluck luncheons and outside activities. A monthly devotion is given at each group meeting, giving God all the love and praise for our relationship with Him and each other.
We meet in the gym at First United Methodist Church’s Christian Living Center. Gatherings begin at 11:30 a.m., the first Tuesday of each month.
We try to have one outside activity each month (one day trip and some overnight activities).
For more information call Barbara Green.
Events and Services
(918) 485 3059
(918) 485 7649
308 Church Street
PO Box 394 (zip 74477)
Wagoner, OK 74467
Sunday Worship Service Times- In house worship
Traditional service 8:30am/ Modern service 11:00 am
Online Worship-
8:30 Sunday Facebook